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> How can Danish clean heating save energy and reduce consumption?

How can Danish clean heating save energy and reduce consumption?

  • 2022-01-03 15:07

Entering October, my country’s northern cities will soon enter the heating season. On the basis of solving basic heating needs, how to be clean and efficient has once again become a hot spot for the industry.
What are the new concepts and practices in the Nordic countries that have been committed to clean and efficient heating for many years? What are the benefits of new technological methods for improving heating quality? To achieve the goal of 100% renewable energy application by 2050, Denmark’s attempt to North China The heating of the city should have new enlightenment.
Optimizing equipment performance can reduce consumption by 30%
“Denmark is an energy-poor country with a high degree of external dependence. Once the price of energy products in the international market rises, it will easily lead to energy shortages. For the past 40 years, Denmark has been committed to reducing energy consumption.” Kjelg Stark, President of Danfoss China, told Reporter, "Through years of practice and exploration, the performance of Danish heating equipment has been significantly improved."
"For heating in northern China, especially in rural areas, air-source heat pumps are one of the important equipment to improve energy efficiency." Kjelg Stark pointed out that in densely populated cities, pipe networks and other infrastructure are relatively complete, and central heating is more suitable. But in rural areas, "in relatively independent houses, the efficiency of air source heat pumps is obviously higher."
According to Kjelg Stark, Danfoss has established cooperation with many Chinese companies. "We provide our partners with the core components of air source heat pumps, such as compressors, heat exchangers, and expansion valves. There are already very good projects in Beijing. By optimizing equipment performance, energy consumption can be reduced by about 30%." In the scenario, Kjelg Stark said that in commercial buildings, by improving the performance of core equipment such as air conditioners, energy consumption will be saved by about 30%. "If it is regionalized central heating, the corresponding project experience shows that the level of consumption reduction will also be 20-30%."

"As northern China continues to promote clean and efficient heating, especially in the'coal-to-electricity' areas, good equipment will play a greater role."
Broad room for system flexibility
In addition to improving the performance of core equipment, optimizing the solution of the entire heating system at the design level is also an important means to improve energy efficiency.
"Focusing on the system level and focusing on the flexibility of the heating system is expected to achieve new breakthroughs on the basis of existing ideas." International consultant John Tang Jensen of the Danish Energy Agency said that in order to improve the efficiency of the heating system, it is necessary to increase the energy density. "Changing the heat source is one of the important ways."
John Tang Jensen proposed that heat from non-fuel sources should be fully utilized. "For example, industrial waste heat, urban waste heat, or waste heat generated in the process of cooling demand can be collected and used." In addition, John Tang Jensen said that in a complete heating system, photovoltaic, natural gas and other energy types must be coordinated with each other. "A highly flexible heating system can store heat at an appropriate time, and provide heating or cooling when needed. Various requirements can be adjusted."
Based on the diversification of heat sources, Kjelg Stark further proposed that reducing heat loss is also an important guarantee for improving system flexibility. "For many years, Denmark has made good explorations in improving building standards and strengthening building insulation. For example, in building construction standards, it is completely possible to enforce policies not to use single-layer glass and give specific energy consumption standards. , These all help to increase the flexibility of the entire heating system."
Measuring and payment methods to be optimized
"In fact, many times we feel too hot in a hotel room, but when we get outdoors, we feel that we are wearing too thin. This means that the distribution of heat is unreasonable. If we want to further save energy and reduce consumption, for example, reduce 50%. % Of energy consumption, we must eliminate this situation and reduce unnecessary energy waste." In Kjelg Stark's view, the key to solving these problems lies on the demand side.
"From the user's point of view, there are three elements that need to be clarified. First, the user must pay for the heat used; second, the user must know how much heat they use; and third, the user can effectively control their heat use." Kjelg Stark emphasized that, especially in heat control, an intelligent system is required. "For example, setting the bedroom and living room to different temperatures can effectively avoid the waste of heat."
Kjelg Stark pointed out that AI and big data technologies will play an important role in this field in the future. "Once there is intelligent real-time monitoring, with sufficient data support, human behavior can be predicted. For example, combined with weather and meteorological forecasts, based on big data, it can be analyzed that the outdoor temperature in an office building is How to influence people's use of indoor air-conditioning systems, then intelligent equipment can find a balance between comfortable human body experience and high efficiency and energy saving as much as possible, and it will also bring greater flexibility to heating companies."
"At the same time, through continuous practice and accumulation, we can know the temperature of different scenes at different points in time, how to obtain a more comfortable human body experience at a more suitable temperature, and how much energy is consumed in this process. We will use these data Accumulation can provide support for the next generation of technological innovation."

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