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> 7 major trends in the heating radiator market in 2022

7 major trends in the heating radiator market in 2022

  • 2022-01-03 14:16

Near the end of the year, the northern warmers enter the winter break, while the southern warmers welcome the peak season of the year. There is a large stock market in the south-houses that have been renovated and moved in. When the weather is colder, the more people want to install heating. This even creates a peculiar sight. In the peak winter season, people from underfloor heating companies to ordinary installers like to sell exposed heating systems and dry and exposed heating installations. As for the underfloor heating or radiator in the new house, it is also Go ahead and do it.

heating radiator trends
 It is not an exaggeration to explain that installing heating is the place where many heating companies in the south live. According to Warm Cube, in the annual sales of heating systems of the Southern Heating Company, the performance of exposed heating in the winter peak season accounts for more than 50! Large heating companies can install one to two thousand sets in several months in winter, and small and medium heating companies can also be hard in winter. To replenish blood. As a result, in the current southern heating industry, exposed heating has become a sweet pastry, and almost all heating companies have regarded it as a high ground for strategic competition.
There are many people working, and the market is changing. So, what new characteristics or trends did the exposed heating market present in 2017? Below, Warm Cube briefly sorts out:
Trend 1: Southern natives also start to install heating
In the past, most of the exposed heating systems in the south were settlers from the north or people who had lived in the north. But now, more and more southern natives are also starting to install heating. This is a positive sign, which shows that in large and medium-sized cities, the effect of popularizing household heating culture is quite high, and the heating industry has great potential for development.
heating system
Trend 2: The rapid rise of second, third, and fourth-tier cities
Although most of the heating market for old houses is still concentrated in provincial capitals or big cities, you can't deny that in some third- and fourth-tier cities, exposed heating is also rapidly penetrating. For example, in some counties in Dazhou, Sichuan, many owners have asked the Chengdu heating company to install heating. This is also a positive signal, and the speed at which the heating of old houses is recognized is far beyond imagination.
Trend 3: Electric heating or dual power supply will have more shares
The influence of policy factors on southern surface heating has become increasingly prominent. For example, there was a notice of winter air restriction in Wuhan this year. Coupled with the stepped gas prices in the Yangtze River Delta, Changsha and other places, the high-end is approaching 5 yuan per cubic meter, which will give electric heating a chance to share some of the market share.
Trend 4: "Encourage" the use of gas

Some cities restrict gas, and some cities increase gas for heating users. For example, in Chengdu, especially for heating users, an extra 1,200 cubic meters of gas has been added to the second gear. This is also an encouragement.
 heating radiators
Trend 5: Gradually move towards high-profile
With the maturity of surface heating technology and the upgrading of market competition, it will promote the heating of old houses to pay more attention to appearance. For example, Kovatu’s surface-mounted heating solution, Retege’s flat panel radiators, etc., have been well promoted in some areas such as Shanghai, and have received good results, which is a good start for the appearance of surface-mounted heating. . Another example is the die-cast aluminum radiator that takes the niche and route. Yile is the representative. At present, it has also launched the original imported wall-hung boiler from Italy, and the market feedback is also good.
 Trend 6: Focus on energy consumption
At present, radiator brands such as Ruitege and Kaimei have standard radiator products with automatic thermostat packs. But on the whole, the current automatic thermostat package is not popular, and even the overall configuration rate is still relatively low. However, Warm Cube also noticed that with the need of competition, adding automatic thermostat packages is a trend, although it is "forced".
Trend 7: Localization of imported boilers and improved cost performance
At present, several major German brands with a high market share in the southern heating market all have domestic Sunlike models, and even have launched models for low-end users. Well-known imported brands such as the United Kingdom have achieved localized production. It can be predicted that in the future, in the heating source of the old house heating market, more imported brands will participate in the localization.

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